Friday, February 25, 2011

Energy Drinks Risky for Children and Teens

Energy drinks are under-studied, overused and can be dangerous for children and teens.  

Dakota Sailor, 18, a high school senior in Carl Junction, Mo., says risks linked with energy drinks aren't just hype.

Sailor had a seizure and was hospitalized for five days last year after drinking two large energy drinks - a brand he'd never tried before.  

He said his doctor thinks caffeine or caffeine-like ingredients may have been to blame. Introduced more than 20 years ago, energy drinks are the fastest growing U.S. beverage market; 2011 sales are expected to top $9 billion.  

The American Association of Poison Control Centers adopted codes late last year to start tracking energy drink overdoses and side effects nationwide; 677 cases occurred from October through December; so far, 331 have been reported this year.

Most 2011 cases involved children and teens. Of the more than 300 energy drink poisonings this year, a quarter of them involved kids younger than 6.

A clinical report on energy drinks is expected soon from the American Academy of Pediatrics that may include guidelines for doctors.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) limits the amount of caffeine in soda because it's classified as a food.
But the FDA has no control over energy drinks because they're classified as dietary supplements.

Doctors said case studies show energy drinks can contain up to three times as much caffeine as soda. It's believed they have caused seizures, strokes, high blood pressure and heart palpitations. Doctors believe energy drinks could also cause sudden death among children with underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes, mood swings and migraines.

Denmark, Turkey and Uruguay have banned the beverages while Norway doesn't allow them to be sold to anyone under 15.
Poison Help 1-800-222-1222
Published in the Horizon Family RMG TEEN ALERT
Posted by Lindy Kahn, M.A., CEP for Kahn Educational Group, LLC  

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